Saint Rose Staff

Preescolar e Intervención
Mrs. Krautscheid is our Principal here at Saint Rose. She holds a BA in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish from Washington State University, where she also earned her Administrator Credentials. In addition, she holds a Masters Degree in Special Education from Heritage University. She has a passion for teaching and is a firm believer in using data to improve the educational experience.
While not working, Mrs. Krautscheid can be found in her garden, working amongst her roses and spending time with her family.

Preescolar e Intervención
Fr. Cesar Izquierdo
Fr. Cesar Izquierdo was ordained to the priesthood on July 3rd, 2018 at Christ the King Parish in Richland. Originally from Mexico he emigrated with his family to Washington at the age of 17. He holds a Licentiate in Philosophy from the Lumen Gentium University in Mexico City, a Baccalaureate in Theology from the Angelicum University and a Licentiate
in Public Ethics and Social Doctrine of the Church from the Gregorian University in Rome. First assigned to St. Joseph's Parish in Kennewick
as Associate Pastor and then as Parish Administrator. During his studies in Rome, he did ministry at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Naples, Italy and at Saint Peter’s Parish in London, United Kingdom. He also volunteered with International Charities at Casa di Iqbal refugee Center and supported with document translations at the Synod of Bishops
for the Pan-Amazon region in 2018-2019. He enjoys doing radio presentations and interviews and has done broadcasting at Vatican Radio
for the international apostolic visits of Pope Francis, also has contributed with translation and commentary for the Sunday Angelus with
the Holy Father from 2017 to 2020. Most recently Fr. Cesar collaborates with Korgen Associates in the Servant Leadership Program.

Preescolar e Intervención
Mrs. Beaulieu holds an AA Degree in Early Childhood Education. She has 10 years of experience in education and has been a part of our Saint Rose family for seven years. Her favorite part of working at our school is that it is family and faith oriented. Outside of school, she enjoys spending time with her husband and six children. She also enjoys horseback riding and reading.

Preschool & Art
Mrs. Ahmann is our wonderful Pre K and K-6 Art Teacher! She has an AA from Big Bend Community College and a BA in Communications and Graphic Design with a Minor in Art. She has been a part of our team for six years here at Saint Rose. She loves everything about Saint Rose, but especially the family atmosphere, teaching children about God, and her staff family! Her role is unique in that she get's to teach ALL students in our school. She is a former professional dancer and prior to working at Saint Rose owned two dance studios. She is a self-proclaimed dairy cow lover and she and her children have shown dairy heifers at the fair for over 45 years.

Jardín de infancia
Mrs. McDonnell is our Kindergarten teacher here at Saint Rose. She received her teaching degree from Washington State University and has been working in education for 29 years. She has worked at Saint Rose for 22 years, and her favorite part of working at our school is that it is that they are truly a family.

First Grade
Mrs. Eisen is the first grade teacher here at Saint Rose. She holds a Masters degree in Curriculum and Assessments, is endorsed in ELL and is a certified Read Well trainer. She has been an educator for 17 years and has been witnessing faith grow in both students and staff for 15 years at Saint Rose. She and her husband enjoy spending time with their adult children and grandchildren.

Segundo grado
La Sra. Moore es nuestra maestra de segundo grado en Saint Rose. Tiene una licenciatura en artes de la Universidad Estatal de Washington y ha trabajado en nuestra escuela durante ocho años. Le encanta que la escuela Saint Rose se sienta como una familia. Actualmente está cursando su Maestría en Enseñanza y ha actuado y cantado en varias producciones teatrales locales en Quincy, Moses Lake y Soap Lake.

Third Grade
Mrs. Sackmann is our third grade teacher here at Saint Rose. She holds a Masters degree from Walden University and has over 17 years teaching experience--12 of those at our school. She loves that Saint Rose is a close knit family, where staff and students support each other and share their love for Jesus every day. She currently has two children who attend our school, and when she's not working, she enjoys camping and spending time outdoors with her husband, children, family and friends.

Fourth & Fifth Grade
La Sra. Lundgren enseña nuestra clase de 4.º y 5.º grado en Saint Rose. Tiene una licenciatura en Educación de Heritage University y ha trabajado en educación durante 15 años, 13 de ellos en nuestra escuela. La Sra. Lundgren disfruta conocer a nuestros estudiantes y familias de Saint Rose, así como pasar tiempo con su propia familia. Fuera de la escuela se la puede encontrar en la cancha de baloncesto o la playa, café en mano.

Sexto grado
Mrs. Navarro is our sixth grade teacher at Saint Rose. She holds a Master's degree from WGU and has worked with us since 2020. Mrs. Navarro's favorite part about Saint Rose is that she gets to talk about Jesus all day long! In her free time she enjoys reading, tennis, horseback riding and camping with her family.

Directora del programa de educación física y nutrición
Mrs. Ites is our Nutrition Program Director at Saint Rose. She has an AA in Accounting, and experience working in public middle schools. She loves that Saint Rose has Christ Inspired Education, and cherishes the close family bonds she's built during her time here. Her late husband, Shawn, is who brought their family to Saint Rose and they fell in love with the school right away!
Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her eight year old son camping, swimming, and spending time with family and friends.

Music Director
La Sra. Couture es nuestra directora musical en Saint Rose. Ha trabajado en educación musical durante 30 años. Su dedicación al crecimiento de nuestros estudiantes a través de la música ha ha sido una bendición para Santa Rosa por más de 23 años. Su aspecto favorito de nuestra escuela es la enseñanza centrada en Cristo, y disfruta pasar tiempo con sus nietos, así como las artes y manualidades.
"El que canta reza dos veces" - San Agustín

Administrative Assistant
La Sra. Martinez es nuestra asistente administrativa aquí en Saint Rose, y la cara sonriente que ve al entrar a nuestra escuela. Ha sido un verdadero recurso para St. Rose durante más de cinco años._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ella disfruta ser parte de esos momentos especiales donde la mano de Dios se revela en la vida de nuestros estudiantes. Ella es una ávida fanática de los Seattle Seahawks y los Portland Trailblazers, y disfruta dibujar en su tiempo libre.

La Sra. Dilling es nuestra contadora en Saint Rose. También se desempeña en varios puestos de apoyo, así como en la instrucción de matemáticas de cuarto grado. Asistió a la Universidad Estatal de Washington, Seattle Central College y Central Oregon College. Ha trabajado en nuestra escuela durante nueve años y su parte favorita de Saint Rose son sus fantásticos compañeros de trabajo y, por supuesto, los estudiantes._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Le gusta pasar tiempo con su familia, hornear, organizar fiestas en el jardín y hacer renovaciones caseras.

Custodio y cocinero
La Sra. Navarro sirve en nuestra escuela como conserje y cocinera. Ha sido parte de nuestra familia Saint Rose durante siete años y su parte favorita de trabajar en nuestra escuela es ver a los estudiantes aprender a amar. ¡Dios!

Teachers Aide
Mrs. Claussen is a Teacher's Aide at Saint Rose and has worked with us since 2016. She, her mother and both her children all attended our beautiful school. Mrs. Claussen has a BA from Gonzaga University and she feels Saint Rose is like a family to her. She enjoys seeing students progress and having the opportuntiy to bond and laugh with them! Her hobbies include spending time with her family, crafting, relaxing on the patio and going to the ocean.

Custodio y cocinero
La Sra. Navarro sirve en nuestra escuela como conserje y cocinera. Ha sido parte de nuestra familia Saint Rose durante siete años y su parte favorita de trabajar en nuestra escuela es ver a los estudiantes aprender a amar. ¡Dios!

Mrs. Paz is our excellent cook here at Saint Rose! She is responsible for creating healthy and delicious meals on site for our students.

El Sr. García es nuestro profesional de mantenimiento en Saint Rose. Tiene una licenciatura en estudios comunitarios de la Universidad de CA en Santa Cruz y tiene más de 13 años de experiencia trabajando en instituciones de educación superior._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ha sido parte de nuestro equipo de Saint Rose desde 2020 y disfruta de sus excelentes compañeros de trabajo y de interactuar con nuestros estudiantes. Cuando no está trabajando, le gusta la jardinería y ver películas.
¿Eres un educador dinámico con pasión por la excelencia? ¡A Saint Rose le gustaría conocerte!